Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Missing Ganny

I love it when my parents come in town, but hate it when they have to leave.  The kids and I go into a little depression for a few days after the trip.  They think that every time the grand parents come to visit they will get "whatever they want".

This trip proved no different then most of Granny's visits.  The mess got to go to Wal-Mart (on Easter Sunday) and pick out whatever they wanted, even after "Ganny" already gave them "poop" for Easter! (she really gave them fake poop)   See the little brown thing hanging from my ceiling, THAT IS FAKE POOP that Kyle threw!  

Besides the fact that the kids are totally spoiled for the week, we had so much fun with "Ganny".  Most of you know my mom and her personality.  

As some may know, "AR-THUR's" write books (which my brother called a few times to ask about these ARTHUR's).  Colson is known as "CO-SON", and Arby's has "LOVE FOOD" (the billboard says ‘Love Food?’ and I'm sure my mom thinks they are talking about a new type of food they are offering and not implying if you love food come to Arby’s).  If you ever try the love food, let me know how it is.  Maybe it is supposed to have the same affect as oysters?  Sometimes I don't stop laughing when my mom is around.

We got to do all the fun things there are to do around here, especially since we live kinda in the middle of nowhere and you can pretty much do everything fun in a week!  We went to the beach a few days, hit the aquarium, Chick-fil-a, and Kmart.  Honestly, I don't ever go to Kmart, but my mom loves this store and wanted to avoid Wal-Mart.  I think we actually spent hours there.  They have awesome prices!  I bought Karis a few cute little outfits and a pair of cute sandals and the boys a body board.  Again, the boys got to pick out whatever they wanted.  She did convince them to look hard at all the toys on the sale isle.  Amazingly, after 45 minutes of looking they picked something out.  Oh Yea! We did go to El Cero 3 out of the 7 nights she was here.  Love my MEME! 

Here are a few pictures from our adventure to the aquarium.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I guess it has been a while and people keep asking what is going on with us! So I figured I would take a moment to throw a quick update!

We started T-ball with Colson and Kyle.  Mark is the manager and I am a coach, so this keeps us busy about three days a week.  Colson is also playing baseball which also takes up a few days a week.  Honestly, I feel like I run around most of the time with half a brain!  I will add some pictures and tell more about these exciting little games in a later post!

My mom came up friday night and will be here until next Saturday.  I love it when she comes.  I get to sleep in a bit and have lots of help with the mess (kids).  Saturday we spent the afternoon doing some of Marks favorite things.  We left around noon to go to chickfila, look at a house, Lowes, Micheals, Ross's, Food Lion and Crabby Patty's returning home around 630pm just in time to cook dinner and get ready for bed.  If you know my hubby, then you know he would probably rather be eating nails.  I think he only complained once, so he must have had a bit of fun!

Kyle has been asking for the past 2 days if we can go look at houses.  He has his mommy's fever!  Today he said "can we go to another house to see and play on their swing and rope and all the other cool things they have"  No we are not really looking to move just like to pretend.   (love you Melissa) 

Sunday morning was spent opening candy for the mess to consume.  I wanted to make sure they were good and awake for Mr. Al and Mrs. Sandy in Sunday School.  I figured by the time I got them back they would be off the sugar high (Love Mr. Al and Mrs. Sandy).  After Church we went to Mr. Al's and Mrs. Sandy's for Easter lunch and egg hunt for the kids.  It was a beautiful day by the river and everyone had a great time.  The kids got way to much candy and began their second sugar high of the day.  We got some great family photos outside their house!  I say great because it is the first family photo when there is not a kid doing something crazy.
  Well Kinda!

Heres a few more pictures from easter!

Today was an exciting and typical day of boat owners.  We decided today we were going to take the boat out and spend the day fishing and playing on pirates island (or somewhere like it).  We left around 11am, got our fishing liscence renewed, got to the ramp and backed the boat down.  Mark turns the key and yes the engines turns over, its running!  For 1 sec we thought we were gonna have our day of fun, then the engine cuts off.  This happened 10 -12 times before Mark threw the keys and said he was selling the boat.  Well not really, but I am sure that was what he was thinking.  Since we didn't look silly enough, we decided to head to the beach pulling our boat.  I'm sure that is not the first time a big truck towing a boat pulls into fort macon beach.  I'm sure people were probably wondering why we were there with a boat considering there is not a boat ramp near there!  Oh well, we had fun and had to keep the kids happy.  I might add, we got stuck there for a bit longer then expected.  Apparently, there was a bad accident and traffic was stopped for a while.  I guess there are worse places to get stuck.

At least they couldn't get in much trouble!