Saturday, February 4, 2012


We had a busy, long day! 
8:25 we are out the door for a 9:00 basketball game.  Colson played so well.  He is getting the hang of basketball.  I am proud to say he made 4 baskets! :)  Kyle spent most of the game crying and wanting me to hold him, saying his ear hurt.  I love the fact that our pediatrician's office is open on Saturdays from 9-12 and I was able to get him an appointment at 11:00.  This would have worked out perfect because the game was over at 10:00 and I had an hour to get to the doctor which was about 35 minutes away. 

However, when leave, we can't find the keys.  Of course we can't find them, my husband did what every man would do and left them in the ignition because we were in a church parking lot. 

husband: "Who locked the doors?"
wife:        "Me! You had gone in and I did what every normal person does this day and time and locked the doors." 

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to do.  I was supposed to leave the doors unlocked with everything we own in the car.  Next time I will remember that before I lock my car door. 

OnStar:  "Your vehicle is now unlocked."
Saving Marriages one Saturday at a time

Since we were 10 minutes late for the doctor and they were packed, we had to wait a while before getting seen.  Thankfully we went because Kyle has ANOTHER ear infection.  Poor Baby! 

 Of course I had to take Kyle to Target since we were already in New Bern and considering there is NO WHERE to shop (except Walmart) in Havelock, we have to take advantage of every opportunity.  Earlier this week Kyle asked again if I would buy him some 'tight clothes'. 

I actually thought about looking for some tight clothes for him until I remembered his exact words, "mommy when I wear my tight coths you call me KyKy."  Mark would not have been happy if I returned with our little boy in tight clothes saying his name was KyKy.  He settled for a Cars 2 cars and I picked out 8 tank tops.  You might ask, why 8?  Really, its because I couldn't decide which colors to buy, so instead of deliberating... I just bought one in each color.  That's the way we do it! :)

Better than tight pants and and accent

I'll tell you about the second half of our day later!  I need to go to bed; we have SOUPER family day at church tomorrow and I got some cooking to do!!!!


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