Monday, January 9, 2012


Saturday was Colsons first basketball game!  (Yes Kyle is wearing his "long clothes w/ shorts!).  Getting our Mess of kids dressed and out of the house is an adventure of its own.  As Mark had his breakfast (Yes he is drinking his protein shake directly out of the blender)

I got the kids ready and out of the house (with only a small argument when I honked the horn at my husband, which is not acceptable in his eyes) and got to the church with 10 minutes to spare.  Colson is playing with Upwards in Newport.  It is a Christian basketball organization where they include bible lessons.  Each week the kids have a bible verse to memorize before the game and receive a star to put on their Jersey as a reward.  He received his first star for knowing his bible verse.  Before the game starts they have a prayer followed by each child running through the door when their name is called.  It was pretty exciting and Colson was all smiles.  I have a video of it but can not figure out how to post it on here.  I will work on that!  Colson has the tendency to be a bit lazy and sometimes doesn't put much effort towards sports.  He is really fast and aggressive if and when he wants to be, however he seemed to lack a bit of motivation in his first game.  Mark and I are both VERY competitive and sometimes Colson drives us a bit crazy.  This happened to be one of those games where we have to take a deep breath sit back and laugh.  He just shuffles around the court paying more attention to the clock then to the kid he is suppose to be guarding.  He did do a good job for his first game and actually got a basket.  I found the game pretty entertaining (all 6 periods).  I'm pretty sure Mark said it felt like it was the never ending basketball game.  After the game,  the coach gives each child a star for their performance.  Colson received the star for "Sportsmanship".  When she gave it to him he said "Oh I didn't know I was doing sportsmanship, huh".  :)  Maybe next week he will get "Most Aggressive"!

Have a great Week!


  1. He did score a basket Mom.......

  2. I feel better now, at least I know I am not the only parent that calls their child lazy! HA HA.
