Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Mess of Kids +

Today I had to watch my friends children, Julia and Cole.  Julia is two weeks younger than Karis and Cole is two Years older than Kyle.  Cole and Kyle were actually pretty good today.  They usually fight like brothers but today they played very well together.  The problem was with the two 16 month old babies.  Karis is walking or should I say running all over the place.  Julia is not walking yet and does this cute one arm scoot to get around.  Karis spent the day torturing Julia.  Julia always carries her "night night" and crys (screams) if she doesnt have it.  Karis would sneak up on Julia, grab her "night night" and RUN as fast as her little legs would take her.  She would get a good distance and turn around and LAUGH as Julia is SCREAMING.  I would go get the "night night" and give it back to Julia.  This went on right up to nap time.  I tried to lay Julia in Karis's bed since supposedly all you have to do is lay her down and she goes to sleep.  SURE THAT WORKED.  Julia is screaming bc she obviously does not want to nap and Karis is screaming because Julia is in her bed.  I switch the girls and lay Karis in her bed and let here scream while I rock Julia to sleep.  By the time I got Julia to sleep Karis had Screamed herself to sleep.  You might ask what I learned today?  I DO NOT NEED TO HAVE 4 KIDS.  (My dad will be relieved:))  NIGHT NIGHT! 


  1. Ummm, if you have a 4th child, I will never be able to have a real conversation with you on the phone!
