Thursday, January 5, 2012

Our First Blog!

I have never really read a lot of blogs but over the past few months I started following a blog of a family who would be having a baby with trisomy 13.  The faith of this family is so amazing and what a blessing to be able to follow their journey with their family.  I realized this is an amazing way to connect with other people and create a little book filled with our journey through life.  I only wish I had started one a long time ago. 

A few nights ago I was playing on the computer and created this little blog "Montys of NC".  My husband kind of laughed at me and made me promise to let him read everything I write before I post it.  He does not trust my ability to write, claiming Colson, my 1st grader, has better grammer grammar then me.  He probally has a point, so please forgive me now for any and every mistake I might make.  He also asked if he could write in it as well.  Therefore, This is OUR BLOG!  I am so excited to have a way to keep a little journal of our family as we go through this adventure.

To give you a quick little summary!  On May 24, 2003 I married my SEXY MARINE, Mark.  We started our adventure in Pensacola, FL and less then a year later we moved to Corpus Christi, TX (Pretty sure Hell is not much hotter, which is one place I will never go).  About 6 months later we moved to Cherry Point, NC and have stayed put.  We now have 3 children (Colson 7, Kyle 3, and Karis 1) and a dog (Gracie 2). 

This brings us to January 4, 2012 (Today).  As many might know Kyle my sweet boy has a mind of his own.  He will only wear what he wants which usually consists of board shorts and rash guards (aka bathing suit).  Now that we have hit the beginning of January it is a bit chilly outside and not really bathing suit weather.  This however does not stop my son from his favorite attire.  This morning was his first day back to 3yr old preschool and I told him he had to get dressed in something warm, meaning long pants and shirt.  After lots of debating about what is considered warm we agreed he would put on a pair of pants and long sleeve shirt.  This is how I found him!

Love this little man.  I guess you pick your battles:)

1 comment:

  1. First Comment........I love this little guy and he can wear whatever he wants....his gannie said so.........and one other thing.....a little bit about our first puppy dog .... JAKE..ok LOVE IT !
