Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Missing Ganny

I love it when my parents come in town, but hate it when they have to leave.  The kids and I go into a little depression for a few days after the trip.  They think that every time the grand parents come to visit they will get "whatever they want".

This trip proved no different then most of Granny's visits.  The mess got to go to Wal-Mart (on Easter Sunday) and pick out whatever they wanted, even after "Ganny" already gave them "poop" for Easter! (she really gave them fake poop)   See the little brown thing hanging from my ceiling, THAT IS FAKE POOP that Kyle threw!  

Besides the fact that the kids are totally spoiled for the week, we had so much fun with "Ganny".  Most of you know my mom and her personality.  

As some may know, "AR-THUR's" write books (which my brother called a few times to ask about these ARTHUR's).  Colson is known as "CO-SON", and Arby's has "LOVE FOOD" (the billboard says ‘Love Food?’ and I'm sure my mom thinks they are talking about a new type of food they are offering and not implying if you love food come to Arby’s).  If you ever try the love food, let me know how it is.  Maybe it is supposed to have the same affect as oysters?  Sometimes I don't stop laughing when my mom is around.

We got to do all the fun things there are to do around here, especially since we live kinda in the middle of nowhere and you can pretty much do everything fun in a week!  We went to the beach a few days, hit the aquarium, Chick-fil-a, and Kmart.  Honestly, I don't ever go to Kmart, but my mom loves this store and wanted to avoid Wal-Mart.  I think we actually spent hours there.  They have awesome prices!  I bought Karis a few cute little outfits and a pair of cute sandals and the boys a body board.  Again, the boys got to pick out whatever they wanted.  She did convince them to look hard at all the toys on the sale isle.  Amazingly, after 45 minutes of looking they picked something out.  Oh Yea! We did go to El Cero 3 out of the 7 nights she was here.  Love my MEME! 

Here are a few pictures from our adventure to the aquarium.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I guess it has been a while and people keep asking what is going on with us! So I figured I would take a moment to throw a quick update!

We started T-ball with Colson and Kyle.  Mark is the manager and I am a coach, so this keeps us busy about three days a week.  Colson is also playing baseball which also takes up a few days a week.  Honestly, I feel like I run around most of the time with half a brain!  I will add some pictures and tell more about these exciting little games in a later post!

My mom came up friday night and will be here until next Saturday.  I love it when she comes.  I get to sleep in a bit and have lots of help with the mess (kids).  Saturday we spent the afternoon doing some of Marks favorite things.  We left around noon to go to chickfila, look at a house, Lowes, Micheals, Ross's, Food Lion and Crabby Patty's returning home around 630pm just in time to cook dinner and get ready for bed.  If you know my hubby, then you know he would probably rather be eating nails.  I think he only complained once, so he must have had a bit of fun!

Kyle has been asking for the past 2 days if we can go look at houses.  He has his mommy's fever!  Today he said "can we go to another house to see and play on their swing and rope and all the other cool things they have"  No we are not really looking to move just like to pretend.   (love you Melissa) 

Sunday morning was spent opening candy for the mess to consume.  I wanted to make sure they were good and awake for Mr. Al and Mrs. Sandy in Sunday School.  I figured by the time I got them back they would be off the sugar high (Love Mr. Al and Mrs. Sandy).  After Church we went to Mr. Al's and Mrs. Sandy's for Easter lunch and egg hunt for the kids.  It was a beautiful day by the river and everyone had a great time.  The kids got way to much candy and began their second sugar high of the day.  We got some great family photos outside their house!  I say great because it is the first family photo when there is not a kid doing something crazy.
  Well Kinda!

Heres a few more pictures from easter!

Today was an exciting and typical day of boat owners.  We decided today we were going to take the boat out and spend the day fishing and playing on pirates island (or somewhere like it).  We left around 11am, got our fishing liscence renewed, got to the ramp and backed the boat down.  Mark turns the key and yes the engines turns over, its running!  For 1 sec we thought we were gonna have our day of fun, then the engine cuts off.  This happened 10 -12 times before Mark threw the keys and said he was selling the boat.  Well not really, but I am sure that was what he was thinking.  Since we didn't look silly enough, we decided to head to the beach pulling our boat.  I'm sure that is not the first time a big truck towing a boat pulls into fort macon beach.  I'm sure people were probably wondering why we were there with a boat considering there is not a boat ramp near there!  Oh well, we had fun and had to keep the kids happy.  I might add, we got stuck there for a bit longer then expected.  Apparently, there was a bad accident and traffic was stopped for a while.  I guess there are worse places to get stuck.

At least they couldn't get in much trouble!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


When I started this blog my goal was to at least try and post once a week.  I am a bit behind so I guess I have some catching up to do!

It has been crazy busy around here.  Last weekend Old Dad and Grand Mag flew up for a much needed visit with our crazy bunch.  We had a wonderful time running around for 3 days and I think Old Dad only about had a heart attack one time when Kyle came upstairs Sunday morning to get in bed with them asking them to be quiet because, "mommy and daddy ar downtairs making me a baby sista".  You ask were this came from?  Well, Kyle has been asking for the last week or so If we will make him a baby sister that "actually" likes him.    He informed me that he will name her "Bat Girl"!  By the way, we were not making a baby in any way shape or form, we were SLEEPING!  Crazy Kid!

Monday was a bit insane considering Mark had to fly out at 6 am to Las Vegas for a conference (a week long work trip, supposed to cone home Friday evening, just remember this for later reference).  I had to teach that morning then make an unexpected trip to the doctor for Karis since she had quite a bit of stuff oozing from her ears (a double ear infection no wonder she hasn't been sleeping well).   Then take Old Dad and Grand Mag to the airport, all in enough time to get back to grab Colson off the bus and head to basketball practice!

Now for the main part of this blog I want to start by saying I give SINGLE MOMS PROPS!  I have been through three 7-8 month deployments and have a hubby who gets home about 7 or 8 every night and is out of town at least a week or two most months.  Is it hard?  Gosh yes, but I am lucky enough that I do have someone that loves us and does his best to be the best husband and father I could ever ask for.  I am blessed to be able to stay home with my babies and only work when I want to, which is only a few hours a week teaching fitness classes, and is much more of an outlet than a job because I love every minute of it.  You ask why am I telling you all this?  Thursday is an example of how life is around our home when the hubby is gone.  It was a day (like most) I look back on and have to laugh because when you can't cry you just have to LAUGH!

Thursday morning was women's bible study and I was up at 6:30 am (ok so 6:47) to get Colson on the bus by 6:55, and we made it!  I had time to have my smoothie, coffee get the other youngin's breakfast and my Crossfit workout done to be at church by 10 am.  This was all going pretty good (yes we did almost miss the bus) until the first (or second if you count the minor bus chaser thing) major mishap of the morning.

So I was running on my treadmill sprinting 400's and doing over head squats and I feel a boom on my treadmill.  So I finish my workout since the treadmill is still running, and try to figure out the problem.

Treadmill Fail
I don't know if you can tell but the entire base of the treadmill has popped off the rails.  Where is the HUBBY?  (Oh I forgot VEGAS.  I'm not bitter)  Not a big deal, the hubby can try and fix this one when he gets home TOMORROW!

I am making it to bible study in time!  My mess minus Colson and I head downstairs so I can shower and get ready for our day.  I lock the mess (minus Colson) in my room with the door adjoining the bathroom open so they can't get into too much while I am in the shower for at max 2.6 minutes.  When I get out this is what I find!

Daddy needs an easy anniversary present idea... maybe a vacuum?
Yes in that 2.6 minutes Karis has gotten into my drawer, gotten my perfume in a glass bottle out and began beating it on the ceramic floor!  Yes It is broken and thankfully no glass in any of her body parts since she was rubbing her little body around on the perfume (which caused about a 15 minute delay in leaving for bible study)!

Right at 12 we had to rush home because apparently Colson was having a half day and would be getting home at 12:00 (thanks Dana).  By the way, he was not supposed to have school Friday either!  This is just a little frustrating since our kids had to go to school on four Satudays because of time we lost with the hurricane.  Apparently they wanted to be able to give the kids random days off throughout the year.

We grab Coslon and I decided to treat them to McDonalds since Colson usually misses these outings.  All was going well until Karis decided to try and steal Kyle's orange drink (Key Word = TRY).  The drink goes flying and hits about four Marines (thankfully they had a good sense of humor, maybe cause Karis tried to kiss one; her way of saying sorry).  It was the perfect time to leave McDonalds.   Sorry no pictures of this incident, I was doing my best to get us out of there!

Yea, it was rest time!  Karis was out cold, Colson playing Wii, and Kyle in his bed watching Noggin (I thought).  I did something I don't ever get to do and closed my eyes during the middle of the day.  That lasted maybe 9 minutes 'till I hear some kind of loud boom coming from the boys room!

Not caused by a hurricane that makes Saturday a school day. 

Aftermath.  Maybe FEMA could help this?

Yes this room was totally clean 9 minutes before when I tucked my sweet baby boy to bed!

I didn't really have any business closing my eyes anyway.  I had to start dinner for a friend that just had surgery.  I only had about an hour or so because I had to get all the kids ready to leave so I could go teach spin at Sports Center 30 minutes away (my outlet and I needed it).  The mess actually likes going because they get to play and then have a smoothie when we leave, so it is nice for all of us.

Oh I forgot to tell you that at some point during our day, Mark decided to come home a day early and by the way it is his BIRTHDAY!

After class (7:00 pm), I remember that I have NOTHING for my husband's birthday and decided to make a quick run to Harris Teeter to get some cards, dinner and maybe a present.  Of course this turned into a full-on grocery experience with, "kids running around like chickens do when their heads have been cut off," said by the little old man who was buying groceries at night so he doesn't have to deal with crazy little ones like my mess.  That poor old man!  I guess he picked the wrong night to go shopping!  Thank goodness Harris Teeter had Lunchables to feed my mess, because surely they would all be asleep when we got home!
Not gonna sleep when the 3DS is handy!

Barely staying awake, because She knows she might miss something.
No real intrest in sleeping when it makes sense...

Nope... I wouldn't be lucky enough!

we might as well have a bath (it's only 9:30)!
Splish Splash...

I did ask Colson to get everyone undressed and he did a pretty good job...

"Mommy will pick it up."

while I unloaded all our groceries
Thursday's $250 (it was Harris Teeter after all)

I think I finally got everyone in the bed by 10:15, just minutes before the hubby walks in the door!

Happy Birthday Mark!
Eat yo chickin and quit yo stinkin'!

What more could a man ask for on his birthday?  Rotisserie chicken, cookies, cards and the most amazing present!  A back scrubber with manly scrubbing soap!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

You know, all children have their own unique personalities.  I am blessed with three very different children.

Colson is my sweet, tender little man, and the one who doesn't pay attention to anything.  He can be quite the klutz.  He has been known on many occasions to fall out of his chair when he is doing nothing but sitting there.  He trips on his own feet and runs into walls on a daily basis.  I have to say the funniest but scariest event occurred when we were riding our bikes last week.
School Time

I was in front of Colson pulling Karis, Kyle and Levi (a freind) in the bike trailer.  I hear a big thud, so I look back, and Colson is laying on the ground under a mailbox with his bike in the road.  Apparently, Colson was riding along not really paying attention and runs smack into a mailbox.  His bike went right under the mailbox and his head smashed into it, causing him to crash.  Thankfully he had his helmet and was protected. He walked away with a bit of a headache.  That's my big baby!  Colson has opened my eyes to my relationship with Christ and we got to share the experience of being baptized together in the Neuse River.  It was amazing and something special to my heart!
I can eat here...
Karis is my baby girl.  She is a bit spoiled (maybe more than the other two) and I tend to give in to her most of my time.  I realize this, but I feel so blessed to even have her.  God gave me strength to help keep her breathing when she had a seizure at only a few days old.  I think that's why she is such the little princess.  I'm pretty sure her daddy has a bit of a weak heart for her as well.  We had a family iPad that Mark was taking with him when he had to go to Yuma for 8 weeks.  Karis loved the iPad so much he let me go buy another one.  I'm pretty sure it was to keep his PRINCESS happy!  She is really funny these days; she does her best to keep up with the boys.

Kyle, or should I just call him "KyKy" is definitely my challenge.  He is a strong willed, stubborn little child.  He is so cute and has such a sweet heart it is hard to stay mad at him.  I say stay mad at him because he pushes our buttons to the max.  I have to share a story from yesterday that I am not super proud of but it shows his personality.

It had been a crazy day, like most all days and he decided to single handedly destroy his and Colson's room.  I know every child does this, but the night before I spent two hours organizing their toys after we had friends over.  I walked in his room yesterday afternoon and he had taken every bin out and dumped them in the center of the floor.  He did this in about 30 seconds, so I know he was NOT playing with these toys.  As we were walking to get Colson I said, "why did you destroy your room like that, you know we don't play with toys by throwing them around?  You don't do that at school."  He said, "Uh, mommy dats not a correct truf, dat is how I pay at skooool UHHHGGG" (With hands in the air).
Sweetheart, Right?

I held it together as we went to get Colson, came home, and cleaned it up.  I was mad but not a big deal. Last night before Church I asked him at least 28 times to clean up his bat man toys upstairs (which looked almost like his room).  I told him that was all he had to do and I would do everything else. Pretty sure he came up with every excuse in the book.  He was literally acting like it took all his bodily strength to pick up a toy and would fall as he was trying to put it in the bin then claiming his legs didn't work.  I do not like losing my temper, but I was pushed to that point.  I am ashamed to say I got in his face and screamed as loud as I could. This was a low point for me, his little lower lip quivered for a split second like he was going to cry, then stopped and rolled his eyes a bit and walked away from me saying, "pease don't skeem at me." I felt about 2 feet tall.

I had to go downstairs to regain control.  I asked him to come talk to me a few minutes later and as he was running down saying, "mommy Iceaned up my bat man tangs."  I gave him a big hug and told him I was so sorry for yelling at him and I loved him so much.  Of course he hugged me so tight because children are so forgiving and want nothing but love.  He looked at me and said, "its OK mommy, I wuv you so much, but tat doesn't make Jesus happy."  My stubborn, hard-headed little man is hearing everything I am trying to teach him and put me in my place.   I was happy and sad all at the same time.  I told him he was exactly right. Me screaming at him did not make Jesus happy and I would try very hard to not lose my temper, but it doesn't make Jesus happy when little boys dont listen to their mommies and daddies.  He said, "I will do anyfing you ask me to.  Do you need somefing for me to do?"
Kids are a constant reminder of God's love for us and I am so thankful for my little reminders!  Love          these little miracles so much; maybe we should have a fourth!

Just kidding DAD!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


We had a busy, long day! 
8:25 we are out the door for a 9:00 basketball game.  Colson played so well.  He is getting the hang of basketball.  I am proud to say he made 4 baskets! :)  Kyle spent most of the game crying and wanting me to hold him, saying his ear hurt.  I love the fact that our pediatrician's office is open on Saturdays from 9-12 and I was able to get him an appointment at 11:00.  This would have worked out perfect because the game was over at 10:00 and I had an hour to get to the doctor which was about 35 minutes away. 

However, when leave, we can't find the keys.  Of course we can't find them, my husband did what every man would do and left them in the ignition because we were in a church parking lot. 

husband: "Who locked the doors?"
wife:        "Me! You had gone in and I did what every normal person does this day and time and locked the doors." 

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to do.  I was supposed to leave the doors unlocked with everything we own in the car.  Next time I will remember that before I lock my car door. 

OnStar:  "Your vehicle is now unlocked."
Saving Marriages one Saturday at a time

Since we were 10 minutes late for the doctor and they were packed, we had to wait a while before getting seen.  Thankfully we went because Kyle has ANOTHER ear infection.  Poor Baby! 

 Of course I had to take Kyle to Target since we were already in New Bern and considering there is NO WHERE to shop (except Walmart) in Havelock, we have to take advantage of every opportunity.  Earlier this week Kyle asked again if I would buy him some 'tight clothes'. 

I actually thought about looking for some tight clothes for him until I remembered his exact words, "mommy when I wear my tight coths you call me KyKy."  Mark would not have been happy if I returned with our little boy in tight clothes saying his name was KyKy.  He settled for a Cars 2 cars and I picked out 8 tank tops.  You might ask, why 8?  Really, its because I couldn't decide which colors to buy, so instead of deliberating... I just bought one in each color.  That's the way we do it! :)

Better than tight pants and and accent

I'll tell you about the second half of our day later!  I need to go to bed; we have SOUPER family day at church tomorrow and I got some cooking to do!!!!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fun times

I thought we were gonna make it through the day without any real drama.

We had an awesome morning at bible study. Kyle and Karis spent the whole time playing outside with Mr. Al and I was able to really focus on our study. I must say I love all the ladies and like the fact that there is such a range in age and wisdom.

We spent a quiet afternoon at home, yes! I said quiet. Karis took a nice long nap and Kyle was busy watching Tangled. I got to clean! Everything was going perfectly and the kids got up in time for me to get my long run in before Colson got home from school. We managed to get all our homework done by 4:30.

We are not usually this good with everything, but I had a spouse meeting tonight and I really was looking forward to an evening away from the duties of a mom. I had it set up pretty good so when Mark got home at 6:00 pm he wouldn't have much to worry about. I should have known when I hear a child screaming from the bathroom at 4:45 that he needed to be wiped and I needed to hurry because, "sumpin was wong". I was attempting to do a bit of yoga at the time, however I did have a little munchkin crawling all over me so I grab her go and see about this commotion. I walk in and see Kyle naked sitting on the potty with poop all over the seat and his legs. There is a big pile of toilet paper beside the toilet.

I was thinking not a big deal we can clean this up when he says, "uh mommy, der is poop on the foor. See it's under de shirt and all in my pants." Sure enough, I look and he is telling the truth. He apparently had an accident and tried to take his clothes off and the poop fell out of his pants landed all over my NEW RUG and then HE STEPPED in it with his new shoes. At this point, I should have known it was not gonna be a good night. I go ahead and think positive after a little bit of losing my temper and put Kyle in Karis in the bath. Yes, I had to include Karis in this bath because she thought she was going to be mommy's little helper with the mess; and I'm sure you can all imagine how that went. But at least the kids would now be bathed for Mark and that would help him out tonight.

I attempt to call my husband, oh maybe 23 times and he doesn't seem to want to talk to me since he won't answer the phone. I go ahead and get ready because he knows he has to be home by 6:00. We talked about this last night, and I'm pretty sure this morning too. So 6:00 rolls around, 6:30, 7:00, and the phone rings at 7:15. He forgot to tell me he wasn't landing until 6:00 and wouldn't make it home in time. Of course, I wasn't going to make it because it is 7:15, and the meeting is 30 minutes away and after all, it started at 6:30.

Oh, he did ask if I wanted to go to dinner since I was ready. But really, why would I want to take 3 kids to dinner when it's close to bed time? I think I would rather play in poop. Oh wait, I already did that today!

You gotta love the life of the Marine Corps wife. Everyday is an adventure and I am blessed to be able to stay home with my babies. I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Mess

      What A weekend!  It was full of crazy excitement.  Haha, I guess as exciting as Havelock, NC can be!  As you know Kyle defiantly has a unique little personality and loves to wear "ridiculous" (words of the hubby) outfits.  Apparently he is into accessorizing now!  Friday morning he didn't have preschool, so I told him he could wear anything he wanted to.  I know, you are probably thinking I always let him wear what he wants considering the pictures I have posted, but actually I have to control it a bit or he would go to school like this...

He actually took off his PJ's and put clean ones on, with the cute pink bow because he now wants to wear bows.  He asked If I could buy him some red bows and tight pants to match!  Mark had to put his foot down.  Instead of red bows and reds tight pants Mark took the boys to Walmart and let them pick out their own fishing poles!  

     Colson had basketball this weekend and was much more aggressive.  He got hit with the ball in the face and collided with another kid, resulting in a nice size bump on his head.  Mark had to keep me from going to check on him during the incident.  He tried real hard not to cry and I think I only saw teary eyes.  He was a tough little kid Saturday.  

     Saturday was rainy and yuck so we did what everyone with a 7 year old should do!  
     Yes, thats right!  After years of trying I am excited and a bit embarrassed to say COLSON CAN NOW TIE HIS OWN SHOES!   I am one proud momma.  Now to get him off of sippy cups...

     Yesterday after church, I decided to take Kyle to the doctor since Saturday night he was up most of the night screaming about his ears.
     And of course he has another ear infection! I might say he did look super cute, so I decided to take him to target on a little date!  We got Icees and toys!  It was nice to have a little mommy and Kyle time.

     I'm off to do some CrossFit before baby girl wakes up.  I've got to beat the hubby's time, I'll let you know how that goes or not. :) 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Visiting Friends!

This past Friday was my birthday and we spent most of the afternoon heading up to Maryland to visit some of our best friends.  I can say the trip really wasn't that bad.  Karis was our best rider.  I'm almost positive Colson said, "Are we in Maryland Yet?" at least 100 times.  Kyles question was, "Are we IN out of town yet?"  The fight was Colson saying we were going to Maryland and Kyle insisting we were not going to Maryland, we were going 'Out of town.'  This discussion lasted approximately 61/2 hours off and on.  By hour 5, Mark's answer to every question was YES!  When we arrived in Maryland, Mark and my mess gave me my birthday present!  They got me a Macbook Pro.  I had no idea and I love it!

My friend Megan was having a big party for her hubby's Bday Saturday night in Alexandria.  Saturday morning us girls left about 11:30 to go spend the afternoon shopping in DC and getting things ready for the party.  Megan's driving skills left me a bit nauseous, but we made it without any serious problems.  We left all the kids with the hubbies until the nanny arrived.  These 3 men decided to take 5 kids to eat lunch at Texas Roadhouse; I can only imagine how that went.  I assume they survived, since they managed to make it to the hotel later that evening.  

All night Megan was on a mission, and we spent a lot of the evening walking from one place to the next trying to find somewhere to dance.  I think around 1:00 am we were informed that there was nowhere to dance in Alexandria and we would have to go to DC.  I guess we should have asked earlier.  You know me, I love to exercise but really not in heels!  

We did have an amazing night and I'm so glad we were able to spend time with our best friends.  Mark and I spent the night in DC without kids.  It was the first time I left Karis over night, but she did great.  The nanny said she wouldn't let Colson put her down, but he didn't seem to mind.  I'm so glad we went up there.  It was a much needed trip for Mark and I to spend time with our friends and each other.  We needed a little US time! 

So this is my blog that I wrote last Sunday and never posted!  Ha Ha!  Whatever, I guess I will get this blog thing soon enough!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

We Are Ready

We are ready for our DAY OF FUN!  Kyle said, "Mommy you look like Grand Mag".  I guess he gets his style from Grand Mag!  Love IT!  Have a Great Day!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wed Night

One of my biggest fears as a parent is having my child grow up and not know Christ.  I assume there are probably other Christians that have similar fears.  I just want to do it all right and its scary and amazing to think that everything you say or do leaves an impression on your child.  I remember as a child thinking that my parents could do no wrong.  My dad could have told me the sky was purple and I would have believed it was the truth.  I was always taught that you go to high school then college, assuming that's what everyone did and it was part of the steps.  I took everything my parents said to heart.  As I get older, I realize what an amazing family I have, possibly a bit dysfunctional but wonderful.  I need to always guide my children in the right direction and sometimes it can be hard to do everything the way you want to do it.   

I love Wednesday nights because I can usually leave Karis with Mark and take the boys to bible study.  Mark has been gone the last few days and wasn't going to be home to watch Karis.  Its hard to take her because she is so busy and I really don't get to pay much attention to our study.  Colson and Kyle both love to go, but Kyle can't get enough of church.  If I mention church he says "K I get my long shorts on and we can go, don't leave me"  I go toWomens Bible study on Thursday mornings for a few hours and Kyle gets to play with Mr. Ale and all the other kids.  So every morning he wakes up and ask if its Church Day.  Mr. Ale is also his Sunday School teacher and has a way with children.  He is learning so much. 

Today I mentioned to my MESS that we had Church tonight and asked who wanted to go.  Colson was playing WII and must have not heard me since he didn't acknowledge I had spoken.  Surly he wasn't so wrapped up in his game that he didn't hear me speak.  Anyway, Kyle started jumping up and down saying "ME, ME, ME, I wanna go, can I pease go" while Karis gets all excited watching Kyle and tries her hardest to jump but can't get her little legs off the ground so She just starts spinning in circles as quick as possible.  It was really too cute.  As the evening went on, I realized Mark was getting home late tonight and knew Karis wouldn't make it when bible study started at 630.  I called a friend to see if she was going so the boys could go with her, but she wasn't able to make it either.  I did what I thought was best and got dinner ready, bathed, and feed kids.  We played a bit not mentioning bible study.  I figured they would probably forget it was church night and not a big deal we would be going in the morning.  As bed time roles around, I ask the boys if they are ready to say their prayers.  Kyle comes running in jumping around saying " OH NOOOO, WE FORZGOT TO GO TO CHURCH" with such a sad little face.  I think my heart broke a little.  I said baby Karis was tired and wouldn't have done well, but we get to go as soon as we get up.  He didn't say much and went to his room, next thing I know he is fast a sleep in his bed.  Kinda feel like I messed up a bit tonight.  He was sooo excited about going and we didn't go.  Regardless of the reasons he was upset and I failed him in a sense.  I justify it to myself and I understand the reasons but hes just a baby and doesn't always get it.  I get sad when I make my babies sad.  Sometimes life gets in the way of the really important things.  From now on we hit the important things :)  So tomorrow is gonna be a special "Church Day for Kyle and I"  Not exactly sure how but I will figure it out.  Now I'm off to make some special somethings :)          

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Mess of Kids +

Today I had to watch my friends children, Julia and Cole.  Julia is two weeks younger than Karis and Cole is two Years older than Kyle.  Cole and Kyle were actually pretty good today.  They usually fight like brothers but today they played very well together.  The problem was with the two 16 month old babies.  Karis is walking or should I say running all over the place.  Julia is not walking yet and does this cute one arm scoot to get around.  Karis spent the day torturing Julia.  Julia always carries her "night night" and crys (screams) if she doesnt have it.  Karis would sneak up on Julia, grab her "night night" and RUN as fast as her little legs would take her.  She would get a good distance and turn around and LAUGH as Julia is SCREAMING.  I would go get the "night night" and give it back to Julia.  This went on right up to nap time.  I tried to lay Julia in Karis's bed since supposedly all you have to do is lay her down and she goes to sleep.  SURE THAT WORKED.  Julia is screaming bc she obviously does not want to nap and Karis is screaming because Julia is in her bed.  I switch the girls and lay Karis in her bed and let here scream while I rock Julia to sleep.  By the time I got Julia to sleep Karis had Screamed herself to sleep.  You might ask what I learned today?  I DO NOT NEED TO HAVE 4 KIDS.  (My dad will be relieved:))  NIGHT NIGHT! 

Monday, January 9, 2012


Saturday was Colsons first basketball game!  (Yes Kyle is wearing his "long clothes w/ shorts!).  Getting our Mess of kids dressed and out of the house is an adventure of its own.  As Mark had his breakfast (Yes he is drinking his protein shake directly out of the blender)

I got the kids ready and out of the house (with only a small argument when I honked the horn at my husband, which is not acceptable in his eyes) and got to the church with 10 minutes to spare.  Colson is playing with Upwards in Newport.  It is a Christian basketball organization where they include bible lessons.  Each week the kids have a bible verse to memorize before the game and receive a star to put on their Jersey as a reward.  He received his first star for knowing his bible verse.  Before the game starts they have a prayer followed by each child running through the door when their name is called.  It was pretty exciting and Colson was all smiles.  I have a video of it but can not figure out how to post it on here.  I will work on that!  Colson has the tendency to be a bit lazy and sometimes doesn't put much effort towards sports.  He is really fast and aggressive if and when he wants to be, however he seemed to lack a bit of motivation in his first game.  Mark and I are both VERY competitive and sometimes Colson drives us a bit crazy.  This happened to be one of those games where we have to take a deep breath sit back and laugh.  He just shuffles around the court paying more attention to the clock then to the kid he is suppose to be guarding.  He did do a good job for his first game and actually got a basket.  I found the game pretty entertaining (all 6 periods).  I'm pretty sure Mark said it felt like it was the never ending basketball game.  After the game,  the coach gives each child a star for their performance.  Colson received the star for "Sportsmanship".  When she gave it to him he said "Oh I didn't know I was doing sportsmanship, huh".  :)  Maybe next week he will get "Most Aggressive"!

Have a great Week!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Our First Blog!

I have never really read a lot of blogs but over the past few months I started following a blog of a family who would be having a baby with trisomy 13.  The faith of this family is so amazing and what a blessing to be able to follow their journey with their family.  I realized this is an amazing way to connect with other people and create a little book filled with our journey through life.  I only wish I had started one a long time ago. 

A few nights ago I was playing on the computer and created this little blog "Montys of NC".  My husband kind of laughed at me and made me promise to let him read everything I write before I post it.  He does not trust my ability to write, claiming Colson, my 1st grader, has better grammer grammar then me.  He probally has a point, so please forgive me now for any and every mistake I might make.  He also asked if he could write in it as well.  Therefore, This is OUR BLOG!  I am so excited to have a way to keep a little journal of our family as we go through this adventure.

To give you a quick little summary!  On May 24, 2003 I married my SEXY MARINE, Mark.  We started our adventure in Pensacola, FL and less then a year later we moved to Corpus Christi, TX (Pretty sure Hell is not much hotter, which is one place I will never go).  About 6 months later we moved to Cherry Point, NC and have stayed put.  We now have 3 children (Colson 7, Kyle 3, and Karis 1) and a dog (Gracie 2). 

This brings us to January 4, 2012 (Today).  As many might know Kyle my sweet boy has a mind of his own.  He will only wear what he wants which usually consists of board shorts and rash guards (aka bathing suit).  Now that we have hit the beginning of January it is a bit chilly outside and not really bathing suit weather.  This however does not stop my son from his favorite attire.  This morning was his first day back to 3yr old preschool and I told him he had to get dressed in something warm, meaning long pants and shirt.  After lots of debating about what is considered warm we agreed he would put on a pair of pants and long sleeve shirt.  This is how I found him!

Love this little man.  I guess you pick your battles:)